Functions Definition Language (FDL)
OSCAR services are typically defined via the Functions Definition Language (FDL) to be deployed via the OSCAR CLI. Alternative approaches are using the web-based wizard in the OSCAR UI or, for a programmatic integration, via the OSCAR API.
It is called Functions Definition Language instead of Services Definition Language, because the definition was initially designed for SCAR, which supports Lambda functions.
- oscar-test:
name: plants
memory: 2Gi
cpu: '1.0'
image: grycap/oscar-theano-plants
isolation_level: USER
- ""
- ""
- storage_provider: minio.default
path: example-workflow/in
- storage_provider: minio.default
path: example-workflow/med
- oscar-test:
name: grayify
memory: 1Gi
cpu: '1.0'
image: grycap/imagemagick
interlink_node_name: vega-new-vk
min_scale: 3
max_scale: 7
port: 5000
cpu_threshold: 70
nodePort: 30500
set_auth: true
rewrite_target: true
default_command: true
- storage_provider: minio.default
path: example-workflow/med
- storage_provider: minio.default
path: example-workflow/res
- storage_provider: onedata.my_onedata
path: result-example-workflow
- storage_provider: webdav.dcache
path: example-workflow/res
token: my_very_secret_token
space: my_onedata_space
login: my_username
password: my_password
Top level parameters
Field | Description |
functions Functions |
Mandatory parameter to define a Functions Definition Language file. Note that "functions" instead of "services" has been used in order to keep compatibility with SCAR |
storage_providers StorageProviders |
Parameter to define the credentials for the storage providers to be used in the services |
clusters map[string]Cluster |
Configuration for the OSCAR clusters that can be used as service's replicas, being the key the user-defined identifier for the cluster. Optional |
Field | Description |
oscar map[string]Service array |
Main object with the definition of the OSCAR services to be deployed. The components of the array are Service maps, where the key of every service is the identifier of the cluster where the service (defined as the value of the entry on the map) will be deployed. |
Field | Description |
name string |
The name of the service |
cluster_id string |
Identifier for the current cluster, used to specify the cluster's StorageProvider in job delegations. OSCAR-CLI sets it using the cluster_id from the FDL. Optional. (default: "") |
image string |
Docker image for the service |
vo string |
Virtual Organization (VO) in which the user creating the service is enrolled. (Required for multitenancy) |
allowed_users string array |
Array of EGI UIDs to grant specific user permissions on the service. If empty, the service is considered as accesible to all the users with access to the OSCAR cluster. (Enabled since OSCAR version v3.0.0). |
alpine boolean |
Set if the Docker image is based on Alpine. If true , a custom release of the faas-supervisor will be used. Optional (default: false) |
script string |
Local path to the user script to be executed inside the container created out of the service invocation |
file_stage_in bool |
Skip the download of the input files by the faas-supervisor (default: false) |
image_pull_secrets string array |
Array of Kubernetes secrets. Only needed to use private images located on private registries. |
memory string |
Memory limit for the service following the kubernetes format. Optional (default: 256Mi) |
cpu string |
CPU limit for the service following the kubernetes format. Optional (default: 0.2) |
enable_gpu bool |
Enable the use of GPU. Requires a device plugin deployed on the cluster (More info: Kubernetes device plugins). Optional (default: false) |
enable_sgx bool |
Enable the use of SGX plugin on the cluster containers. (More info: SGX plugin documentation). Optional (default: false) |
image_prefetch bool |
Enable the use of image prefetching (retrieve the container image in the nodes when creating the service). Optional (default: false) |
total_memory string |
Limit for the memory used by all the service's jobs running simultaneously. Apache YuniKorn's' scheduler is required to work. Same format as Memory, but internally translated to MB (integer). Optional (default: "") |
total_cpu string |
Limit for the virtual CPUs used by all the service's jobs running simultaneously. Apache YuniKorn's' scheduler is required to work. Same format as CPU, but internally translated to millicores (integer). Optional (default: "") |
synchronous SynchronousSettings |
Struct to configure specific sync parameters. This settings are only applied on Knative ServerlessBackend. Optional. |
expose ExposeSettings |
Allows to expose the API or UI of the application run in the OSCAR service outside of the Kubernetes cluster. Optional. |
replicas Replica array |
List of replicas to delegate jobs. Optional. |
rescheduler_threshold string |
Time (in seconds) that a job (with replicas) can be queued before delegating it. Optional. |
log_level string |
Log level for the faas-supervisor. Available levels: NOTSET, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR and CRITICAL. Optional (default: INFO) |
input StorageIOConfig array |
Array with the input configuration for the service. Optional |
output StorageIOConfig array |
Array with the output configuration for the service. Optional |
environment EnvVarsMap |
The user-defined environment variables assigned to the service. Optional |
annotations map[string]string |
User-defined Kubernetes annotations to be set in job's definition. Optional |
labels map[string]string |
User-defined Kubernetes labels to be set in job's definition. Optional |
interlink_node_name string |
Name of the virtual kubelet node (if you are using InterLink nodes) Optional |
isolation_level string |
Select the isolation level of the MinIO buckets: SERVICE or USER (SERVICE by default) Optional |
Field | Description |
min_scale integer |
Minimum number of active replicas (pods) for the service. Optional. (default: 0) |
max_scale integer |
Maximum number of active replicas (pods) for the service. Optional. (default: 0 (Unlimited)) |
Field | Description |
min_scale integer |
Minimum number of active replicas (pods) for the service. Optional. (default: 1) |
max_scale integer |
Maximum number of active replicas (pods) for the service. Optional. (default: 10 (Unlimited)) |
port integer |
Port inside the container where the API is exposed. (value: 0 , the service wont be exposed.) |
cpu_threshold integer |
Percent of use of CPU before creating other pod (default: 80 max:100). Optional. |
nodePort integer |
Change the access method from the domain name to the public ip. Optional. |
set_auth bool |
Create credentials for the service, composed of the service name as the user and the service token as the password. (default: false). Optional. |
rewrite_target bool |
Target the URI where the traffic is redirected. (default: false). Optional. |
default_command bool |
Select between executing the container's default command and executing the script inside the container. (default: false). Optional. |
Field | Description |
storage_provider string |
Identifier of the storage provider. Optional. |
path string |
Path to the folder that will be mounted. Optional. |
Field | Description |
type string |
Type of the replica to re-send events (can be oscar or endpoint ) |
cluster_id string |
Identifier of the cluster as defined in the "clusters" FDL field. Only used if Type is oscar |
service_name string |
Name of the service in the replica cluster. Only used if Type is oscar |
url string |
URL of the endpoint to re-send events (HTTP POST). Only used if Type is endpoint |
ssl_verify boolean |
Parameter to enable or disable the verification of SSL certificates. Only used if Type is endpoint . Optional. (default: true) |
priority integer |
Priority value to define delegation priority. Highest priority is defined as 0. If a delegation fails, OSCAR will try to delegate to another replica with lower priority. Optional. (default: 0) |
headers map[string]string |
Headers to send in delegation requests. Optional |
Field | Description |
storage_provider string |
Reference to the storage provider defined in storage_providers. This string is composed by the provider's name (minio, s3, onedata) and the identifier (defined by the user), separated by a point (e.g. "minio.myidentifier") |
path string |
Path in the storage provider. In MinIO and S3 the first directory of the specified path is translated into the bucket's name (e.g. "bucket/folder/subfolder") |
suffix string array |
Array of suffixes for filtering the files to be uploaded. Only used in the output field. Optional |
prefix string array |
Array of prefixes for filtering the files to be uploaded. Only used in the output field. Optional |
Field | Description |
Variables map[string]string |
Map to define the environment variables that will be available in the service container |
Field | Description |
minio map[string]MinIOProvider |
Map to define the credentials for a MinIO storage provider, being the key the user-defined identifier for the provider |
s3 map[string]S3Provider |
Map to define the credentials for an Amazon S3 storage provider, being the key the user-defined identifier for the provider |
onedata map[string]OnedataProvider |
Map to define the credentials for a Onedata storage provider, being the key the user-defined identifier for the provider |
webdav map[string]WebDavProvider |
Map to define the credentials for a storage provider accesible via WebDAV protocol, being the key the user-defined identifier for the provider |
Field | Description |
endpoint string |
Endpoint of the OSCAR cluster API |
auth_user string |
Username to connect to the cluster (basic auth) |
auth_password string |
Password to connect to the cluster (basic auth) |
ssl_verify boolean |
Parameter to enable or disable the verification of SSL certificates |
Field | Description |
endpoint string |
MinIO endpoint |
verify bool |
Verify MinIO's TLS certificates for HTTPS connections |
access_key string |
Access key of the MinIO server |
secret_key string |
Secret key of the MinIO server |
region string |
Region of the MinIO server |
Field | Description |
access_key string |
Access key of the AWS S3 service |
secret_key string |
Secret key of the AWS S3 service |
region string |
Region of the AWS S3 service |
Field | Description |
oneprovider_host string |
Endpoint of the Oneprovider |
token string |
Onedata access token |
space string |
Name of the Onedata space |
Field | Description |
hostname string |
Provider hostname |
login string |
Provider account username |
password string |
Provider account password |